Insights > Update: Company Answers News Reports About New Orleans Power Station Advocacy
Update: Company Answers News Reports About New Orleans Power Station Advocacy

Updated 5/9/2018
As we have stated previously and can now confirm, Entergy did not authorize or direct any person or entity to pay individuals to attend or speak at City Council meetings. We are close to finalizing our internal investigation into this matter, and we will make our findings public as soon as the investigation is complete.
The allegations that individuals were paid to attend or speak at certain public meetings run counter to our values. We believe public discourse about important projects such as the New Orleans Power Station must be rooted in integrity and transparency, and we will work cooperatively with the City Council on any questions they may have related to this matter.
The recent allegations that some supporters of the New Orleans Power Station may have been paid to attend or speak at certain public meetings are troubling and run counter to the values of our Company. While we reiterate that Entergy did not pay, nor did we authorize any other person or entity to pay supporters to attend or speak at Council meetings, we recognize that our interactions with our stakeholders must always be based on honesty and integrity. To that end, we are in the process of finalizing our investigation to determine if anyone retained by the company has acted in any way inconsistent with these values. We will take swift and appropriate action if warranted.