Insights > Crews Work to Improve Reliability in The Woodlands
Crews Work to Improve Reliability in The Woodlands

Reliability means not having to worry. It means trusting someone or something to be there when you need them. Reliability for an electric utility is no different. At Entergy Texas, it is our goal to deliver safe and reliable power so you can keep your life moving.
To make sure we’re delivering that reliability, we’re continually updating our infrastructure and systems to best serve customers. Recently we completed a major upgrade of our equipment in the Grogan’s Mill area of The Woodlands. These improvements will help improve reliability across the area, but also improve our response to outages through quicker restoration.
Over 85 electrical and construction workers installed new conduit, wire and equipment to better serve the residents in the area. The work focused on replacing damaged equipment as well as wire that has reached the end of its life. So far, crews have successfully bored over one mile and installed over 3.5 miles of new cable and 19 new pull boxes. Crews will continue to do some additional work in the area to improve reliability for customers.
This project is just one of the numerous reliability projects and upgrades going on across the Entergy Texas service territory. Over the next three years, Entergy Texas is investing more than $2 billion to power the future of Southeast Texas. This includes the construction of a new power plant, transmission lines, substations and distribution enhancements to reliably transport electricity to nearly half a million homes and businesses.
In cities and counties across our service territory, improvements and upgrades are ongoing and will improve the reliability of service to customers. From installing new technology to prevent outages before they occur to replacing outdated equipment with newer, more efficient equipment, we are taking steps so our customers can continue to rely on us.
These improvements include:
- Installing Automatic Load Transfer systems that automatically transfer customers in seconds from a de-energized segment of a line to the energized segment.
- Conducting walk-downs across the service territory to identify aging or damaged equipment and bring infrastructure up to current standards and prevent future outages.
- Installing new reclosers to reduce the number of customers without service.