Insights > Do You Know CPR?
Do You Know CPR?

June 1-7 is National CPR and AED Awareness Week
Substation Mechanic Alex McGee kneeled over a white mannequin, arms locked and fingers laced together. As the upbeat notes of the Bee Gees’ “Stayin’ Alive” bounced off the walls of the training room, McGee put all of his weight into two minutes of chest compressions on the mannequin.
He kept his eye on the telltale light on the mannequin’s shoulder. Green meant his patient had a chance at life. Red meant he wasn’t performing the chest compressions forcefully or often enough to make a meaningful difference.
June 1-7 is National CPR and AED Awareness week. McGee was part of a class of about 10 employees who gathered at the transmission headquarters building in Jackson, Mississippi, last year for refresher training in CPR and first aid.
“We don’t ever want to see anybody hurt,” said McGee, “and we don’t want to have to use this training. But it’s good knowledge for all of us to have. This is information we can use on the job, but also at home. We can use what we learn to take care of our families, our neighbors.”
Entergy’s employees have committed to being safety driven, and having basic knowledge of first aid and CPR is an important part of working and living safe.
In 2007, the American Heart Association, the American Red Cross and the National Safety Council worked collaboratively with Congress to designate June 1-7 as National CPR and AED Awareness Week. The week is an opportunity to spotlight how lives can be saved if more Americans know CPR and how to use an AED.
“You can be a better brother’s keeper if you’re trained in first aid and CPR,” added McGee. “You can never tell what will happen. It’s better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.”
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