Insights > Entergy Mississippi Hurricane Delta Restoration Update – 10/10/20 @ 7 p.m.
Entergy Mississippi Hurricane Delta Restoration Update – 10/10/20 @ 7 p.m.

The remnants of Hurricane Delta caused widespread power outages throughout the Entergy Mississippi service territory. Thunderstorms, heavy rains and high winds impacted our customers throughout the day Saturday. As of this report, over 25,000 customers are without power, down from over 50,000 this morning. Additional resources have mobilized to assist with damage assessment and the restoration where possible. We are working to respond to outages safely, while practicing social distancing measures needed during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Please continue to respect our utility workers by providing them with the space needed to complete restoration work as we consider the extra measures that are being taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Due to the additional measures the crews must take, restoration may take longer, especially where there are widespread outages. Additionally, crews will continue to practice social distancing and we ask that customers do the same. For their safety and yours, please stay away from work zones. If you need to report a problem with your service or get bill payment help, we’re just a phone call away: 1-800-ENTERGY.
Adams County
Natchez, Washington
As of this report, approximately 3577 customers are without power. Damage assessment continues and restoration is ongoing. Entergy resource workers are working in the Liberty Road area to restore power. Restoration estimates will be provided once assessment is completed.
Amite County
As of this report, 1695 customers are without power. Damage assessment continues and restoration is ongoing. Entergy’s electrical system has been damaged due to several trees falling on the equipment. The trees must be removed before power is restored. Updated restoration estimates will be provided once repairs are made to the equipment.
As of this report, 646 customers are without power. Restoration efforts are continuing in the Liberty area. Updated restoration estimates will be provided once repairs are made to the equipment.
Attala County
Kosciusko, Sallis
As of this report, 21 customers are without power throughout Attala County as a result of the damage to Entergy’s electrical system. Entergy crews along with additional restoration workers continue to work on restoring power. Entergy estimates all customers that can safely receive power should be restored by 8 pm Saturday, October 10.
Claiborne County
Port Gibson
As of this report, 167 customers are without power. Entergy crews are continuing to assess damage and restoring power where possible. Damage assessors found 3 broken poles and power lines down due to a fallen tree. The estimated restoration time will be provided once damage assessment is completed.
Copiah County
Crystal Springs
As of this report, 362 customers are without power. Damage assessment is 80 percent complete and restoration continues where possible. The hardest hit area is Burney Road around Lake Copiah. Entergy estimates all customers that can safely receive power should be restored by 10 pm Sunday, October 11.
As of this report, 156 customers are without power. Damage assessment is 95 percent complete. Entergy estimates all customers that can safely receive power should be restored by 10 pm Saturday, October 10.
As of this report, 397 customers are without power. Damage assessment is 95 percent complete. The hardest hit area is near Highway 51 South. Entergy estimates all customers that can safely receive power should be restored by 10 pm Sunday, October 11.
Covington County
Mount Olive
As of this report, 3 customers are without power. Entergy estimates all customers that can safely receive power should be restored by 6pm Saturday, October 10.
Desoto County
Horn Lake
As of this report, 18 customers are without power in the Desoto County area. Entergy estimates all customers that can safely receive power should be restored by 9 pm Saturday, October 10.
Franklin County
Bude, Meadville, McCall Creek, Roxie
As of this report, 2044 customers are without power. Damage assessment continues and restoration is ongoing. Updated restoration estimates will be provided once repairs are made to the equipment.
Grenada County
Elliott, Grenada
As of this report, 50 customers are without power throughout Grenada County as a result of the damage to Entergy’s electrical system. Entergy crews along with additional restoration workers continue to work on restoring power. Entergy estimates all customers that can safely receive power should be restored by 10 am Sunday, October 11.
Hinds County
Byram, Bolton, Clinton, Edwards, Raymond, Terry, Utica
As of this report, 1878 customers are without power. Damage assessment continues and restoration is ongoing. Updated restoration estimates will be provided once assessment is completed.
Jackson – North, Jackson-South
As of this report, approximately 4841 customers are without power in the Jackson area. Damage assessment is 40 percent complete. Damage assessors have found 12 broken poles and wire down as a result of fallen trees. Entergy crews along with additional restoration workers are continuing to work to restore power. Entergy estimates all customers that can safely receive power should be restored by 6 pm Sunday, October 11.
Holmes County
Restoration in this area is complete. Customers that are still without power and can receive power safely should contact 1-800-9OUTAGE 1-800-968-8243 or text OUT to 36778.
Jefferson County
Fayette, Harrison
As of this report, approximately 330 customers are without power. Damage assessment continues and restoration is ongoing. Entergy estimates all customers that can safely receive power should be restored by 10 pm Sunday, October 11.
Lawrence County
Silver Creek
As of this report, 45 customers are without power. Damage assessment is 95 percent complete. Entergy estimates all customers that can safely receive power should be restored by 10 pm Saturday, October 10.
New Hebron
As of this report, 1 customer is without power. Entergy estimates power to be restored by 6pm Saturday, October 10.
Lincoln County
As of this report, 1462 customers are without power. Damage assessment is 80 percent complete. Entergy crews are continuing to assess the damage and restoration continues where possible. The hardest hit areas are New Sight Road, Nola Road and River Road. Entergy estimates all customers that can safely receive power should be restored by 10 pm Sunday, October 11.
Madison County
As of this report, 287 customers remain without power. Damage assessment continues and restoration is ongoing. Vehicle access is limited in some areas. Entergy estimates all customers that can safely receive power should be restored by 10 am Sunday, October 11.
Montgomery County
As of this report, 364 customers are without power throughout Montgomery County as a result of the damage to Entergy’s electrical system. Entergy crews along with additional restoration workers continue to work on restoring power. Entergy estimates all customers that can safely receive power should be restored by 10 pm Saturday, October 10.
Pike County
Magnolia, Fernwood, Osyka
As of this report, 661 customers are without power. Damage assessment continues and restoration is ongoing. Damage assessors found a broken pole and trees down in the area. Updated restoration estimates will be provided once assessment is completed.
As of this report, 745 customers are without power. Damage assessment is complete and restoration is ongoing. The hardest hit areas are around Presley Boulevard, Veterans Boulevard and Park Drive Extension. Entergy estimates all customers that can safely receive power should be restored by 10 pm Sunday, October 11.
Rankin County
Brandon, Florence, Pearl, Pelahatchie, Richland
As of this report, 225 customers are without power. Damage assessment is 95 percent complete. Crews are continuing to work to restore power caused by trees, poles and spans of wire down. Entergy estimates all customers that can safely receive power should be restored by 12 pm Sunday, October 11.
Scott County
As of this report, 98 customers are without power. Damage assessment is complete. Crews are working to restore power caused by multiple spans of wire down in the area of Old Highway 13 South. Entergy estimates all customers that can safely receive power should be restored by 8 pm Saturday, October 10.
Simpson County
Braxton, D’Lo, Mendenhall, Pinola
As of this report, 610 customers are without power. Damage assessment is complete. Crews are working to restore power caused by multiple spans of wire down on Jupiter Road. Crews and additional resources are working to restore power along Highway 28. Entergy estimates all customers that can safely receive power should be restored by 10 pm Saturday, October 10.
Smith County
Mize, Raleigh
As of this report, 68 customers are without power. Damage assessment is complete. Crews are working to restore power caused by multiple spans of wire down. Entergy estimates all customers that can safely receive power should be restored by 10 pm Saturday, October 10.
Sunflower County
Indianola, Inverness, Moorhead
Restoration in this area is complete. Customers that are still without power and can receive power safely should contact 1-800-9OUTAGE 1-800-968-8243 or text OUT to 36778.
Walthall County
As of this report, 133 customers are without power. Damage assessment is 80 percent complete and restoration is ongoing. Entergy estimates all customers that can safely receive power should be restored by 10 pm Saturday, October 10.
Warren County
As of this report, 2792 customers are without power. Entergy crews are continuing to assess damage and restoring power where possible. Damage assessors have found 9 broken poles, 25 spans of wire down and 15 broken pieces of other equipment. The estimated restoration time will be provided once assessment is completed.
Washington County
Greenville-Downtown and West of Hwy 82 (zip code 38701)
As of this report, 136 customers are without power on Bayou Road, Plantation Drive, Persimmons Street, Dyer Circle and JoAnn Circle. Damage assessment continues and restoration is ongoing. Entergy estimates all customers that can safely receive power should be restored by 12 pm Sunday, October 11.
Greenville - North Greenville and East of Hwy 82(zip code 38703)
As of this report, 69 customers are without power on East Moore, Kentucky Street and Hammett Street. Damage assessment continues and restoration is ongoing. Entergy estimates all customers that can safely receive power should be restored by 12 pm Sunday, October 11.
Glen Allen
As of this report, 5 customers are without power on Lake Washington Road, due to a broken pole and wire down. Entergy estimates all customers that can safely receive power should be restored by 12 pm Sunday, October 11.
Wilkinson County
Centreville, Woodville, Crosby
As of this report, approximately 3640 customers are without power. Damage assessment continues and restoration is ongoing. Damage assessors found damage to equipment that must be repaired before power is restored. Updated restoration estimates will be provided once assessment is completed.
As with any weather event, please be mindful of the following safety tips:
- Live wires can be deadly. Stay away from downed power lines. Call 1-800-9OUTAGE or 1-800-968-8243 to report downed or dangling power lines, poles or other damaged equipment.
- Do not trim trees or remove debris on or near downed power lines. Only power company crews or their contractors should remove trees or limbs touching power lines.
- Keep away from the immediate areas where crews are working. There is always the danger of moving equipment and the possibility of construction materials or limbs or overhead wires falling to the ground.
- If you plan on using a generator for temporary power, get a licensed electrician and disconnect from the utility electric system before hooking up to your home main electric panel.
- Do not run a generator in a confined space without adequate ventilation.
- Avoid using candles or other flammable devices to warm your home.
- Check on seniors, who can be particularly susceptible to extreme temperatures.
- Try to stay off the roads in affected areas. More traffic in bad weather leads to more accidents, including more injuries and fatalities as well as accidents that can damage electrical poles and other equipment, creating outages and impeding the ability of crews to access and repair damage and slowing restoration.
- We want to keep you informed and in control so here is the best way to get information about outages in addition to the View Outage application:
- Download our app for your smartphone at or visit to stay informed on our restoration progress. Android users who have difficulty accessing the app on their smartphones can get information from the mobile version of our site at
- Sign up for text alerts. From your cell phone, text R E G to 36778, or visit
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- Follow updates in your local news media, like radio, television and newspapers.