Insights > Entergy Mississippi Winter Storm Alert – 2/13/21 @ 5 p.m.
Entergy Mississippi Winter Storm Alert – 2/13/21 @ 5 p.m.

Entergy Mississippi is continuing to prepare for extreme winter weather starting Sunday. The forecast calls for extreme winter weather across the state through Thursday, Feb. 18, bringing with it the potential for outages. Entergy has assembled restoration workers from our system as well as additional resources to respond as safely and quickly as possible. Cold weather outage restoration can be hampered by a sudden demand from electric heaters and large appliances when power comes on. If you should lose power, please turn off or unplug these appliances until power is restored. Visit to learn more.
Please be mindful of the following:
- Freezing rain and sleet are expected
- Traveling can be impacted with some icy roadways, especially bridges and overpasses
- Ice accumulating on trees and power lines can result in power outages.
- We are preparing our workers if outages begin to occur.
We are prepared and recommend customers prepare as well. Customers should:
- Charge up mobile devices and back-up batteries.
- Download the Entergy app and sign up for text updates.
- Review guidance at
- If you have medical equipment that requires electricity to properly function, take necessary steps to secure an alternative source of electricity in the event of a power disruption.
- Have an emergency kit including flashlights, medicine, first aid, blankets, water and food.
If you lose power:
- Stay away from downed power lines. You can’t tell from looking at them whether they are energized or not, so assume they are. Report them to 1-800-9OUTAGE.
- Report your power outage online to Entergy Mississippi or call 1-800-9OUTAGE. There is no need to speak with a customer service representative to report an outage if completed online.
- If you have a portable generator, use it safely. DO NOT run it in an enclosed space. If connecting to the whole house, do so only if the connection has been installed by a licensed electrician to prevent back feed on to the distribution system.
- Do not open your refrigerator or freezer door. Food will stay cold much longer this way. If outside temperature is below freezing, consider placing food in an ice chest outside.
- Please stay clear of linemen as they work.
For more tips and storm updates, visit