Insights > Entergy New Orleans, Energy Smart Help Train the Workforce of the Future
Entergy New Orleans, Energy Smart Help Train the Workforce of the Future

Careers in energy come in many forms. There are fearless lineworkers who manage Entergy New Orleans’ electrical facilities, gas workers who make sure customers have access to safe and reliable gas service, innovative tech geniuses who create tools to help keep customers informed and look to develop the next generation of sustainable products, caring customer service representatives who go above and beyond to help customers with their billing concerns, and the list goes on. But there is one thing they all have in common: they all are energy experts.
The energy industry is continuously growing, and technology advancements will always give energy colleagues the opportunity to learn. Recently, Energy Smart, Entergy New Orleans’ energy efficiency program, piloted an energy apprenticeship program for three individuals to learn the skills needed to join the energy workforce. The two-week program allowed the diverse group of New Orleans residents to meet experts in the energy and sustainability industry and work directly with customers to learn more about energy efficiency products and services.
In honor of National Apprenticeship week, which is celebrated Nov. 15-21, we are celebrating Entergy’s workforce development initiatives to recruit and retain a diverse workforce needed to grow the business. Check out some of the initiatives and projects the Energy Smart apprentices took part in.