Insights > Honored to Be the Wife of a Lineman
Honored to Be the Wife of a Lineman

This letter was written by Brittney Powell in recognition of her husband’s sacrifice and work as an Entergy Texas lineman for Lineworker Appreciation Day on July 10.
There are countless reasons why I love my husband, but there is just something about his work as a lineman that makes me so honored to be his wife.
It is not an easy thing to explain. Every time the thunder is roaring, and lightning strikes, I know families are holding their loved ones close. In our household, my husband’s phone begins to ring with a callout from Entergy. My heart tightens just a bit. I know that his work is so important to the communities he serves and his commitment to safety is so high, that the worry I feel is quickly overcome by such admiration for what he does.
My husband, Matt Powell, has been a lineman for nearly six years. In those years, I have seen Matt grow into such a dedicated, hard-working man. His drive and strong sense of integrity radiates through all that he does. We are expecting our first baby, a little boy, in November of this year. Although I know his line of work means some birthdays will be missed and some holidays will be celebrated late, I get so excited at the thought of my son watching my husband do the work he does.
As an Entergy employee myself, I understand the importance of what my husband and the other linemen do. It is interesting how our work is so intertwined, yet we work on opposite sides of the company. I procure and schedule natural gas to Entergy owned power plants while my husband ensures that the power generated from those plants reaches the homes of our customers. It really is quite fascinating.
Entergy’s vision, We Power Life, is clearly seen by the work Matt and all the other Entergy linemen do day in and day out. Today, and every day, I am honored to be the wife of a lineman.
Brittney Powell