Insights > Hurricane Francine daily news conference – 9/12/24
Hurricane Francine daily news conference – 9/12/24

Entergy Louisiana and Entergy New Orleans leadership have provided a restoration update following Hurricane Francine’s landfall in Southeast Louisiana.
Phillip May, Entergy Louisiana President and CEO, and Deanna Rodriguez, Entergy New Orleans President and CEO, detailed progress in this recorded news conference. Key takeaways are:
- Hurricane Francine made landfall yesterday as a Category 2 hurricane with sustained winds of 110 mph.
- At the time of the news conference, 279,000 Entergy customers across Louisiana were without power, including 50,000 in Orleans Parish.
- The hardest-hit areas appear to be coastal parts of Lafourche and Terrebonne parishes, as well as Assumption and Ascension parishes — regions that faced some of the strongest winds.
- Our team includes 6,000 restoration workers ready to restore service for customers whose power may be affected by Francine.
- Our focus right now is damage assessment, where it is safe to do so.
- Restoration is beginning now.