Insights > Meet the nuclear professionals: Tim Caruthers
Meet the nuclear professionals: Tim Caruthers

Meet Tim Caruthers, the senior manager of leader and team performance in nuclear human resources, based at Entergy’s nuclear headquarters, Echelon.
Tim has an interesting 24-year journey at Entergy. He began by working at Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station in Killona, Louisiana, where he earned his senior reactor operator license. After 19 years at Waterford 3, he transferred to nuclear headquarters in 2017. There, Tim found a passion for supporting the nuclear fleet. Before working for Entergy, he was in the nuclear Navy for nine years.
“That’s how a nuclear operator became an HR professional. It’s been a unique path to get here,” said Caruthers.
Tim takes great pride in leading his highly talented team in key areas such as the development and management of our nuclear high-potential leadership development programs. The first one created was the VOLT program, which stands for vision, ownership, leadership and transformation. VOLT is now on its fourth cohort, but the first one established the Leadership Employee Resource Group, which is open to all employees.
“Slightly more than 50 percent of those who joined the VOLT program moved into positions of higher responsibility, but it’s certainly not all because of the program,” Caruthers said. “It’s a reflection of our strong nuclear succession planning process and execution. To be a part of a project that’s bigger than myself and to be able to help others while demonstrating selfless leadership and support—that’s what I’m most proud of.”
One of Tim’s greatest talents is recruiting the right people to solve a problem, making Teamwork his favorite value of the Nuclear Excellence Model STAIR, which stands for Safety, Teamwork, Always learning, Integrity and Respect. STAIR is utilized to promote safety and success throughout Entergy Nuclear.
“I’ve been working on cross-functional teams for the last few years,” Caruthers said. “What means the most to me is being able to bring some of my experiences and insights from nuclear to help the company along the journey of becoming the premier utility. Entergy is a company that realizes its people are its greatest asset.”
Tim’s other passions are clear by looking around his office. There, he has framed pictures of his family, including his grandson, enjoying the great outdoors.