Insights > Meet the pros: Ashley Gortemiller

Meet the pros: Ashley Gortemiller


What is your job and what does it entail?

I am an Engineering Instructor/Program Lead at Arkansas Nuclear One. I manage the accredited engineering training program at ANO. This involves not only overseeing the curriculum and delivery of the training at ANO, but also collaborating closely with engineering leadership across our fleet to identify and address any training needs at the fleet level.

Tell me about how your job impacts plant reliability?

The engineering training program at ANO is designed to ensure our engineers are fully equipped with the essential knowledge and skills needed to effectively support the plant's operations. Training is provided for initial orientation to introduce engineers to the intricate details and systems of the plant, recurring refresher training to keep skills and knowledge up-to-date, targeted trainings to address any performance gaps or areas requiring improvement and additional specialized trainings as needed. These trainings reinforce the importance of advocacy and technical conscience to improve plant reliability and protect the health and safety of the public.

Tell me about the importance your department has in keeping the plant online?  

The training department is critical to keeping the plant online. We train operations, technicians, engineers and craft to safely run ANO.

Why do you love ANO?

I love the strong sense of community we have here, it’s easy to make friendships with those we work with. I also love the positive influence ANO has on the local River Valley area – ANO truly helps make this a great place to live.

What is a fun fact about you?

My husband is a pilot, and I love to go fly in our plane with him! I’ve started flight training – with him as my instructor.

What is your why?

My family – I want ANO to continue producing clean carbon-free energy to support the needs of our lifestyles and local communities. I am proud to contribute to that.