Insights > Mississippi Plays to Win…and We’re Not Just Talking Baseball!
Mississippi Plays to Win…and We’re Not Just Talking Baseball!

State receives Silver Shovel award for 2020’s economic development successes
In the midst of the global COVID-19 pandemic, the state of Mississippi still managed to generate thousands of new jobs and hundreds of millions of dollars in investments. In recognition, Area Development magazine has given the state a Silver Shovel award.
The magazine presents its annual Shovel Awards to state economic development agencies that create a significant number of jobs through innovative policies, infrastructure improvements and promotions that attract new employers and investments.
All 50 states were invited to submit their top 10 job creation and investment projects. In Mississippi, three of the 10 projects submitted are in Entergy Mississippi’s service area. In each instance, our economic development department played a key role in partnering with the Mississippi Development Authority and the local economic development group on the project.
The top 2020 project was Amazon's new state-of-the-art fulfillment center in Madison County Opening in August, the facility is creating 1,000 new, full-time jobs and has an investment value of $200 million. Entergy Mississippi’s new mega substation will power the center.
The other two projects Entergy Mississippi assisted with were:
- Loss Prevention Services in Natchez, Adams County – 200 jobs, $3 million investment
- Associated Wholesale Grocers in Hernando, DeSoto County – 79 jobs, $300 million investment
The remaining seven Mississippi projects that helped the state garner the accolade are:
• Navistar Defense in Clay County – 500 jobs, $8.7 million investment
• IG Design Group in Marshall County – 300 jobs, $57.4 million investment
• Material Bank in DeSoto County – 300 jobs, $14.5 million investment
• Gulf Ship in Harrison County – 200 jobs, $6.7 million investment
• Mission Forest Products in Alcorn County – 130 jobs, $160 million investment
• Calgon Carbon in Hancock County – 38 jobs, $185 million investment
• Kimberly-Clark in Alcorn County – 33 jobs, $140 million investment
While Entergy’s involvement differs from project to project, our economic development team works with prospects and communities in a variety of ways:
- If a company is looking to expand, we connect them to incentives and offer general business help. We ensure these companies receive all benefits Entergy has to offer, such as going over their yearly usage to identify cost-savings opportunities.
- Entergy offers an economic development rider that was expanded in 2020 to include distribution centers. The rider can provide a one cent per kwh discount on electricity use for up to five years. Minimum requirements must be met to qualify.
- When working to locate industries, we work with the local economic development organization, the Mississippi Development Authority and other relative economic development organizations. This might include helping a county get sites certified in an industrial park or marketing existing buildings or sites to consultants and industries.
- We also offer annual grants to communities for improvements to sites or for marketing an area to prospects, and we offer or connect community leaders to training opportunities in economic development.
When choosing its annual winners, the magazine considers a combination of weighted factors. These include the number of new jobs to be created in relation to the state’s population, the combined dollar amount of the investments, the number of new facilities and the diversity of industry represented. Awards are given in five population categories, ranging from more than 12 million to fewer than 3 million. The latter category is the one in which Mississippi competes.
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