Insights > Need Payment Help? Take Advantage of Payment Arrangements
Need Payment Help? Take Advantage of Payment Arrangements

UPDATE - The moratorium on disconnects has been extended through May 15, 2021
There is no doubt navigating through the COVID-19 pandemic has been incredibly challenging for many customers. In response to the pandemic, Entergy New Orleans was one of the first utility companies to suspend disconnects for non-payment and developed extended payment assistance plans to provide customers facing financial hardship an opportunity to manage their accounts.
Beginning this month, Entergy New Orleans began the resumption of disconnects for non-residential customers for nonpayment. Residential disconnects for nonpayment will begin in February. Customers who make payment arrangements will not be disconnected during the phased resumption of disconnects.
Customers have been contacted twice per month since the suspension of disconnects began in March of 2020 reminding them to contact the company to make payment arrangements.
Entergy New Orleans has implemented an enhanced customer assistance plan to support you in managing your electric and gas bills. The company is offering up to a 12-month deferred payment arrangement for customers having difficulty paying their utility bill. Everyone with an outstanding bill balance is eligible and there are no additional costs or finance charges for entering these arrangements.
In addition, based on income, customers may be eligible to receive federal electric and gas bill payment assistance through Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) which is still available in our area. Please visit or call Total Community Action at 504-875-2653.
If you are in a difficult financial situation and need help paying your electric and/or gas bills, please call us at 1-800-Entergy. Additionally, below are self-service options available to help you make deferred payment arrangements:
Disconnecting service is the option of last resort. Customers should contact Entergy New Orleans immediately to enroll in a payment arrangement plan that meets their needs.