Insights > Power Principle with Entergy Arkansas' Maggie Oholendt
Power Principle with Entergy Arkansas' Maggie Oholendt

A Conversation with Entergy’s Maggie Oholendt
Maggie Oholendt is a senior specialty clerk-southern in the Little Rock Fleet Support Center. She joined Entergy 11 years ago.
Her power principle
My power principle is to continuously respect others and do my best to help my team members shine.
Her proudest moment
My husband of 30 years, Mike, and I are raising our three grandsons, one of which has Asperger Syndrome, which is a form of autism. Last year, this one, Matthew, was in a Bible study class of 8-year-olds and the teacher asked the children to draw a picture of something that would make someone happy. Matthew has a photographic memory and is brilliant in some subjects, but he refuses to write. But for this task, he wrote his name in huge letters and gave it to me. The teacher expressed that he had not followed directions, but he explained, “I wrote my name to make my Maw Maw happy because she always asks me to try.” I bawled my eyes out, and so did my husband. We were extremely proud of Matthew!
The best work-related advice she received
I was told early in my career by a school counselor to complete any task as though you could have your work reviewed at any time and by anyone. She also told me to take pride in whatever my achievements are no matter how small, and always be able to explain how you came to your end result in order to help someone else learn that skill. I still have “old school” Cajun work ethics and am very proud to say so.
How she balances work and family
Work is my sanctuary! I always love that feeling of satisfaction in doing a good job and see projects being completed successfully. Since we’re raising three grandsons, sometimes it’s like herding cats. I am always reminding my family that each of us must work together and do what is needed to help each other get the job done. My goal is to train these precious boys and my grand-nieces and grand-nephew to not only succeed, but surpass in life.
She’s involved in her community
My goal has always been to help others at work and have Entergy shine in the community. Mike and the boys have helped me volunteer for Helping Hands, Arkansas Homeless Shelters, Salvation Army and a Special Olympics fundraiser. For several years, I have served on the steering committee for the annual Entergy Arkansas United Way campaign. I love to motivate others to share their blessings with those who are less fortunate.