Insights > Preparing for Extreme Cold
Preparing for Extreme Cold

The extreme cold temperatures for the service area are expected to bring periodic snow and ice throughout the week, which is raising the potential for some generation and transmission challenges for Entergy’s operating companies and its neighboring utilities.
The current load forecasts are approaching an all-time winter peak, even greater than those experienced during the polar vortex of January 2019.
These conditions are spread across the country, including the area served by the Midcontinent Independent System Coordinator that manages transmission and generation needs for the Entergy operating companies and other utilities. MISO projects whether it will have sufficient power generation to address increased demand and resource uncertainties the cold weather can bring.
Extreme cold can cause operational issues for our power generation facilities by adversely affecting systems and instrumentation that could result in a generator suddenly going offline and not producing power.
We have taken steps to prepare and protect our assets for the extreme cold as part of our winter weather preparations, as well as placing additional power generation into service.
- We have cancelled planned outages and returned all available lines to service.
- Preparation steps have included adding extra personnel and contractors who are checking equipment every 30 minutes. During these 30-minute checks, personnel are checking to ensure equipment is still energized and there are no trips. Crews also placed meters on the circuits to check for energization.
- We have doubled insulated critical infrastructure lines, secured extra fuel, added heaters and are using antifreeze.
- Crews will also keep equipment running so no issues arise when starting and stopping.
Extreme cold can also cause impact the gas supply.
- Plants are proactively working with gas companies on supply and availability. Crews have built wind breaks and added heaters to prevent any freezing.
Regardless, these are extreme conditions creating high demand for electricity over the next few days. Some ways customers can help us manage through this period:
- Lower the central thermostat to 68 degrees.
- Open blinds, drapes and curtains to let in warmth from the sun.
- Delay laundry, washing dishes, bathing and other non-essential uses of electricity until this appeal for conservation has ended.
- Wash clothes with cold water, cook foods at the lowest possible setting and refrain from opening the oven door while baking.
- Don’t allow warmed air to escape from the home.