Insights > Proud to Be a Lineman Family
Proud to Be a Lineman Family
This letter was written by Keely Newcomb in recognition of her husband’s sacrifice and work as an Entergy Texas lineman for Lineworker Appreciation Day on July 10. Jeffrey Newcomb is a lineman first class and has 20 years of experience in the industry.
For 20 years, my husband has worked endless hours in every weather condition imaginable. I can remember long ago speaking to him briefly on the phone when he was in another state helping with restoration after a hurricane. I asked how his day was going so far, and he told me they were having a hard time getting work done because they were dodging tornadoes. Naturally, I thought he was exaggerating. Just then, I heard the sirens go off in the background signaling to take cover.
That was one of the first times I can remember realizing how dangerous his job is and what he goes through on a regular basis at work. The physical exhaustion of being a Lineman is only one aspect of the job. Being a Lineman takes an emotional toll on the entire family. My husband has missed out on many events with our children. He has missed out on school plays, softball games, and football games because of storms. We never know if he will be able to make it to practices, games, or concerts so that often leaves myself as the one taking the three kids to their events.
Despite all of this, our children have learned some very important lessons having a father as a Lineman. They have learned what hard work and dedication looks like. They see what it means to serve a community with a true servant’s heart and to selflessly give everything you have to people you don’t even know. There are no amount of words to describe the overwhelming gratitude and pride we have for him and what he does every single day.
We are truly proud to be a Lineman family and want to say thank you to all the other Lineman and their families for their dedication and sacrifices.
Warmest Regards,
Keely Newcomb