Insights > Remember to save during Energy Awareness month

Remember to save during Energy Awareness month


October is Energy Awareness Month, a nationwide effort to focus attention on energy efficiency and the importance of conservation to our prosperity and the health of the environment. Energy Awareness Month promotes smart energy choices and highlights the fact that we can all make decisions every day that can reduce energy use and increase sustainability.

Take action now

How can you help? Here are five simple measures you can take to save energy this month and all year long.

  • Install LEDs. Replace incandescent bulbs in your home with high-efficiency LEDs. LEDs use 80% less energy than conventional bulbs and last much longer. Remember to turn off lights whenever you're the last one to leave a room.
  • Adjust the thermostat to save energy at night or when no one's at home. If you have a programmable thermostat and you're not using it, now's a great time to start. Smart thermostat models include advanced features, such as remote control.
  • Pull the plug on standby power. Many electronic devices continue to use power when they're turned off. Unplug chargers and other electronic devices when it's convenient. Advanced power strips and smart plugs automatically shut off power to plugged-in devices when they're not being used.
  • Go low flow. The typical shower sends more than 25 gallons of hot water down the drain. Save water and energy by installing low-flow showerheads and faucet aerators. Also, take shorter showers and reduce the temperature on your water heater to 120°F.
  • Run full loads. Your dishwasher and clothes washer use a lot of water and energy. Make the most of it by waiting until you have a full load to operate them. Air dry clothes when you can. It reduces energy use for drying and is easier on fabric, making your clothes last longer.

Call for help

You're off to a great start reducing your energy use; now it's time to call in the pros. Hire a qualified technician to inspect and clean your heating system to ensure efficient performance.

October is also a great time for a home energy audit. A qualified auditor will examine your home and provide a targeted set of recommendations to improve the efficiency and comfort of your entire house.

It may be Energy Awareness Month, but conservation is a year-round commitment. Little things, such as taking the time to turn things off when you're not using them, can make a big difference for your family and for the environment.

We offer a variety of programs and resources to help you save energy and money at your home or business. Learn how you can save with our energy efficiency programs.

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