Insights > Report: Entergy Provided Lowest-Cost Power in the U.S. in 2016
Report: Entergy Provided Lowest-Cost Power in the U.S. in 2016

Mississippi rates were second-lowest in the country
A leading energy industry analyst recently reported that Entergy Corporation provided power at the lowest average retail price in 2016 of 7.18 cent per kilowatt hour to ultimate ratepayers.
In Mississippi specifically, Entergy provided power at lower costs to customers than 145 out of 146 of the investor-owned utilities in the United States.
RRA/SNL/S&P Global Market Intelligence analyzes the average price paid for electricity by retail customers of the major investor-owned electric utilities in each state in its most recent Regulated Retail Price of Electricity report.
This shows that Entergy Mississippi’s diverse fuel mix of low-cost natural gas, nuclear power and membership in the competitive generation market MISO (Mid-Continent Independent System Operator) has been successful for our residential customers, and we are proud of that. Since our commercial and industrial rates are also well below national and state averages, Entergy Mississippi is making our state more competitive with prospective companies looking to relocate or construct new facilities—helping to employ thousands of Mississippians.
These low rates certainly do not happen by accident. Our employees work hard every day to make sure our company is making wise decisions when it comes to fuel and facilities to produce the best results for our customers. Mississippi’s elected leadership—in the Mississippi Public Service Commission, the Legislature and the Governor’s Mansion—also play important roles in ensuring their constituents are well-served when it comes to their electrical service.
Obviously, electricity rates rise and fall year-to-year based on many factors. However, I believe there is a good foundation being laid for affordable rates for years to come.