Insights > Safety tips around your home for the new season
Safety tips around your home for the new season
As the leaves turn and cooler weather approaches, experts agree now is the best time to check areas that may need maintenance around your home and perform improvements. Entergy Texas encourages customers to stay safe and consider the following safety tips when working inside and outside their home.
Starting with interior safety, it’s important to have a professional inspect and clean your furnace and fireplace to ensure both are within good standards. Fallen leaves, animal nests and other debris can cause the smoke from your fireplace to vent into your home rather than outside your home, which could cause a fire. Regularly replace the air filters in your furnace and if you have allergies, consider special filters that provide extra protection against allergens.
As Daylight Saving Time comes to an end, now is a great time to check the batteries in your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors. All homes should contain a carbon monoxide detector to help identify the colorless and odorless gas that can cause serious illness or death.
Getting in the seasonal spirit may mean lighting a few scented candles but remember to never leave a burning candle unattended. A small sputter or an errant flame can cause a fire in an instant.
If you are using a space heater to stay warm, be sure to only use it when you are at home to monitor its activity. Space heaters consume more energy than other heating systems and are a fire hazard, so keep them at least three feet away from rugs, furniture and anything flammable.
For exterior or outside safety, when performing maintenance activities that require a ladder, be sure to wear proper footwear, position the ladder on a flat surface, and have someone nearby to spot you. Keep in mind that when cleaning up fallen leaves and broken limbs brought down by brisk autumn breezes, stay away from power lines, and always consult with a professional for trimming trees. If trimmings fall onto power lines, assume downed wires are energized and call 1-800-ENTERGY for help.