Colder temperatures have arrived, with even more frigid weather expected in the coming weeks and months. Even in places where extremely cold temperatures are not persistent, it's still important to be prepared for freezing and inclement weather. As we know, cold snaps can happen without much warning.
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Entergy Louisiana preparing for colder temperatures
Insights > Tips and tools
Staying safe in ice and snow
Winter weather has arrived in our service area. From removing snow and ice to dressing appropriately and avoiding falls, winter safety should always be top of mind.
Insights > Tips and tools
Creating a Winter Wonderland at Home?
Radio stations are playing holiday music and twinkling lights line the main streets in town. For some, part of the celebration of the season involves decorating their house with lights. Entergy Louisiana has some bright ideas to help put safety first this holiday season with a few simple reminders and precautions.
Insights > Tips and tools
Tips and Tricks to Help Manage Winter Energy Usage
Louisiana’s normally mild winters don’t typically result in high energy bills. However, in parts of Entergy’s service area, temperatures recently reached 20 to 30 degrees below average.