The holidays in New Orleans are truly magical—String lights shimmer in the oaks, homes glow with festive decor and the scent of warm gumbo fills the air. However, keeping the lights on and the house cozy can quickly add up in energy costs.
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Save your energy for what matters most
Insights > Tips and tools
Outdoor Lighting for Savings and Security
Outdoor lighting can help enhance the security and appearance of your home or business.
Check out the ways exterior lighting benefits you and your home.
Insights > Tips and tools
4 Ways Outdoor Lighting Benefits Your Home
Outdoor lighting does more than transform the look of your property. It allows you to enjoy family time and protect what's important.
Insights > Tips and tools
Holiday Lighting: The Early Years
These days, electric lights illuminate the holiday season across the country, but it wasn't always that way. Even after the invention of the electric bulb, it took decades before colorful holiday lighting became common.
Insights > Tips and tools
Making Spirits Bright – and Safe
Happy holidays! Let’s keep them that way by following a few important safety tips.