News Release > "Beat the Heat" Comes Back for 15th Year
"Beat the Heat" Comes Back for 15th Year

Entergy Texas Delivers Fans Destined for Low-Income Customers
Beaumont, Texas -- The summer heat is on and Entergy Texas, Inc. wants to help low-income customers stay cool through its annual "Beat the Heat" program.
Entering its 15th year, "Beat the Heat" will provide about 1,300 fans to charitable nonprofit agencies throughout its service territory. Those agencies, in turn, will oversee distribution of the fans to qualified low-income residents in the areas they serve. Over the years, more than 17,000 fans have been given away through the program.
"The heat in Southeast Texas can be almost unbearable at times, especially for those without air conditioning at home," said Vernon Pierce, vice president, customer service for Entergy Texas. "With the demand for fans growing every year, we are pleased to provide box fans again this year so our customers may remain as comfortable as possible."
In Entergy Texas' more eastern areas, fans will be delivered the week of July 13. Agencies that will receive fans for distribution and the number they will receive include:
- Beaumont Chapter, Salvation Army, 120.
- Some Other Place, Beaumont, 40.
- Rainbow Room, Beaumont, 20.
- United Christian Care Center, Vidor, 30.
- Orange Chapter, Salvation Army, 120.
- Port Arthur Chapter, Salvation Army, 120.
- Community Care-Prayer Outreach, Nederland, 60.
- Christian Caring Sharing, Sour Lake, 25.
- St. Vincent de Paul, Winnie, 60.
- Dayton area, 50.
Also, a total of 75 fans will be divided among the Christian Care Center of Silsbee, Hardin County United Appeals in Kountze and Tri-County Community Action, Inc. in Woodville.
In Entergy Texas' western areas, charitable agencies will assist in distributing fans in Huntsville, Corrigan, Trinity, Conroe, The Woodlands, Navasota, Madisonville, Somerville, Calvert, New Caney, Cleveland, Liberty and Shepherd.
Entergy Texas delivers electricity to more than 430,000 customers in 27 counties. It is a subsidiary of Entergy Corporation. Entergy is an integrated energy company engaged primarily in electric power production and retail distribution operations. Entergy owns and operates power plants with approximately 30,000 megawatts of electric generating capacity, including more than 10,000 megawatts of nuclear power, making it one of the nation's leading nuclear generators. Entergy delivers electricity to 2.8 million utility customers in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas.