News Release > Energy Smart Launches Hurricane Ida Recovery Fund for Business Customers
Energy Smart Launches Hurricane Ida Recovery Fund for Business Customers

Fund designed for customers to rebuild and restore in a greener, more resilient way
NEW ORLEANS – To help small business, commercial and industrial customers recover from Hurricane Ida, Entergy New Orleans’ Energy Smart Program has launched the Hurricane Ida Recovery Fund.
Eligible customers may use the fund to cover up to 100% of the cost for new energy efficiency projects. Customers must require financial assistance, outside of assistance already requested or received, to complete an energy-saving project needed because Hurricane Ida’s impact. Projects can include, but are not limited to, equipment upgrades or replacements, renovations, rebuilds and/or upgrades that lead to greater energy efficiency for a customer’s building.
For complete details and to apply, visit Hurricane Ida Recovery Fund Applications will be accepted through Monday, Oct. 4, 2021.
“Supporting our local businesses as we navigate through Hurricane Ida recovery is critical to the continued economic growth and reaching the sustainability goals of our city,” said Deanna Rodriguez, president and CEO of Entergy New Orleans. “This innovative and limited-time offering solves for two things. One, it helps ensure our business community has access to much needed funds to repair and in some instances, reopen. And two, encourages customers to utilize energy efficiency solutions.”
As part of its commitment to customers and program participants, the Energy Smart team is available to assist in post-Hurricane Ida rebuilding and restoration efforts. Energy Smart remains dedicated to helping customers save energy and money by completing energy-efficient upgrades, ensuring a greener and more resilient tomorrow.
According to the 2020 Energy Efficiency Impact Report, energy efficiency is a powerful tool that delivers great economic growth, reduces emissions, and enhances quality of life. There is an urgent need to scale up the commitment and deployment of energy efficiency to address climate change, create greater economic productivity and to ensure affordable and accessible energy with greater resilience.
About Energy Smart
Energy Smart is an energy efficiency program administered by Entergy New Orleans on behalf of the New Orleans City Council. Energy Smart offers comprehensive and innovative energy efficiency solutions to help Entergy New Orleans residential and business customers save energy and money by reducing the up-front cost of a variety of energy efficiency upgrades. The program works with participating partners, local trade allies and retailers to help customers find new ways to save energy through installation or implementation of energy efficiency measures. Programs for residential customers include comprehensive home assessments, A/C solutions and retail lighting and appliance discount opportunities. Deeper energy efficiency measures like insulation, air sealing and duct sealing are also available through Energy Smart. For businesses, the Energy Smart Program provides cash incentives for completing energy efficiency improvements to existing and new buildings. For more information, please visit
About Entergy New Orleans
Entergy New Orleans, LLC is an electric and gas utility that serves Louisiana’s Orleans Parish. The company provides electricity to more than 200,000 customers and natural gas to more than 108,000 customers.