News Release > Entergy New Orleans, LLC Revised Offer of Settlement Letter to the City Council of New Orleans
Entergy New Orleans, LLC Revised Offer of Settlement Letter to the City Council of New Orleans

Read the entire letter from Entergy New Orleans, LLC here.
January 30, 2019
Via Electronic Mail
Re: Entergy New Orleans, LLC’s Revised Offer of Settlement
Dear Councilmembers:
As the new President and CEO of Entergy New Orleans, LLC (“ENO” or the “Company”), I’ve spent my first two months assessing the historic challenges that have strained the relationship between ENO and its regulator, the New Orleans City Council. At the outset, I’d like to assure the Council that I take these matters very seriously and believe that reestablishing a constructive relationship between ENO, the Council, and the Community is paramount to delivering on our collective promises to the citizens of New Orleans.
While I cannot alter the past, I am now responsible for ensuring prospective results and I plan to use the lessons learned to shape ENO’s future engagement with the Council and the Community. To that end, I’ve selected a new leadership team that will be responsive to the Council’s and the Community’s concerns. Fortunately, my previous executive leadership experiences within the energy sector are well aligned with the many initiatives that the Council has stated it is interested in pursuing, including the implementation of renewables, increased reliability, and energy efficiency measures. I sincerely and respectfully ask that the Council provide us with the opportunity and time required to chart a new course as we strive to benefit all members of this community and renew a more productive and collaborative working relationship.
To that end, I write in earnest to resolve the most pressing issue before us, the pending Show Cause Resolution (Resolution R-18-474) and the potential repeal of the Council’s approval of the New Orleans Power Station (“NOPS”) (Resolution R-18-65). The Company offers this comprehensive settlement package with the goals of restoring the Council’s and the Community’s full faith in ENO and resolving these issues completely. Below please find a summary of the Company’s offer, followed by a more comprehensive discussion of the proposal. I respectfully ask that you consider accepting this proposal so that the Company and the Council can renew their relationship and begin to focus ahead on advancing shared goals for the benefit of New Orleans.
Read the entire letter from Entergy New Orleans, LLC here.