News Release > Entergy "Powers a New Day" in its 2014 Integrated Report
Entergy "Powers a New Day" in its 2014 Integrated Report

Ann Becker (Media)
(601) 368-5014
Paula Waters (Investor Relations)
(504) 576-4380
Sustainable economic, environmental and social performance highlighted
NEW ORLEANS – Entergy Corporation (NYSE: ETR) released its 2014 Integrated Report, Powering a New Day, a review of the company's financial, operational, environmental and social performance and the progress the company has made in creating sustainable value for its owners, customers, employees and communities.
"When I consider Entergy's future, I am excited to think about working with all our stakeholders in 'Powering a New Day,'" said Chairman and CEO Leo Denault. "As this report illustrates, the men and women of Entergy ensure a safe, reliable supply of electricity and gas, but they understand that achieving our vision, 'We Power Life,' also means powering job creation and economic growth in our communities. We promote and help to develop a skilled and educated workforce, not only for our company but also for the communities we serve. And we take an active role in cleaner air and water and regional resiliency, protecting our critical assets as well as the homes and businesses of our customers. On each of those dimensions, we delivered strong results in 2014 and took steps to enhance our long-term performance."
The online report presents the many different ways the company powers life through videos and photography of individual stakeholders, including a new job recipient who is part of the utility region's industrial expansion, an Entergy nuclear employee who is also a military veteran, business and residential customers, and Posse Scholars and wetlands restoration leaders who are among Entergy's community partners.
Entergy's business focus includes three strategic imperatives – aggressively grow its utility business, preserve optionality and manage risk at Entergy Wholesale Commodities and transform our organizational health and workforce practices. Entergy's success at managing opportunities and risks associated with each of those imperatives is outlined in the integrated report.
In order to aggressively grow the utility business, Entergy's utility companies focus on promoting economic growth, operating with excellence, exploring new technologies and modernization of our infrastructure and actively engaging with stakeholders. A diverse industrial base in the Gulf South is driving economic development and significant utility sales growth. It is a growth story that is unique in the electric utility industry and it offers significant potential benefits to Entergy stakeholders.
In the Entergy Wholesale Commodities business, employees continually work to improve operations and manage risks associated with volatile power markets while also engaging with stakeholders to champion market structure improvements for the company's wholesale plants. Ensuring continued operation of Indian Point Energy Center by seeking approval for operating license renewal is one aspect of this imperative. EWC is also taking steps to safely decommission Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station as part of its asset management plans. EWC's portfolio of merchant plants is safe and well managed, operating at high capacity factors and playing a critical role in the energy infrastructure of their respective regions.
As part of transforming the workforce, the company is investing in initiatives to advance a healthy organizational culture. Fundamental changes in structure and work processes are being made to improve efficiency and effectiveness. Talent and performance management are also closely aligned with this imperative. Organizational health is a key enabler in Entergy's ability to create sustainable value for all its stakeholders.
Commitment to integrated reporting
This is the second year Entergy has provided an integrated report of its financial, environmental and social performance, reflecting the company's belief that its four stakeholders — owners, customers, employees and communities — are inextricably linked. Entergy's 2014 integrated report is available at The report is also available as an app for Android, iPhone, iPad and Windows through their respective app stores.
In preparing the online report, Entergy used the Global Reporting Initiative G3.1 Guidelines, which provide a recommended framework and indicators for reporting. Assurance of financial data in this report comes from its internal controls over financial reporting, which Entergy management assesses annually using criteria set forth by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission in Internal Control — Integrated Framework. Deloitte & Touche LLP has issued an attestation report on the effectiveness of Entergy's internal control over financial reporting as of Dec. 31, 2014. In addition, third-party review of certain key nonfinancial information includes independent, third party verification of 2014 environmental data and greenhouse gas inventory.
Entergy Corporation is an integrated energy company engaged primarily in electric power production and retail distribution operations. Entergy owns and operates power plants with approximately 30,000 megawatts of electric generating capacity, including nearly 10,000 megawatts of nuclear power, making it one of the nation's leading nuclear generators. Entergy delivers electricity to 2.8 million utility customers in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas. Entergy has annual revenues of more than $12 billion and approximately 13,000 employees.
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