News Release > January’s Cold Weather May Show up on February Electricity Bills
January’s Cold Weather May Show up on February Electricity Bills

Debi Derrick
Beaumont, Texas – Much of Southeast Texas shivered through daytime temperatures averaging only 48 degrees in January, keeping furnaces and heaters fired up through the month. While that helps us endure the cold in relative comfort, it can mean higher electricity bills down the road.
“When the thermostat is turned up, energy use increases and bills rise, too,” said Vernon Pierce, Entergy Texas vice president of customer service. “A lot of variables go into an electric bill. This includes the home’s energy efficiency, the type of furnace or heater it has and also how the people living there use energy. The one best piece of advice we can give is to keep your thermostat set on 68 degrees. Each degree warmer will increase your bill by about three percent.”
Those interested in bill payment options available to Entergy Texas customers can find information on the company’s website here. To learn how to minimize the impact of paying a higher bill or to learn about the charges on your bill, visit
Other ways to stay comfortable and save energy when temperatures drop include:
Conserve hot water. Heating water for cooking, cleaning, laundry and bathing is the second-largest energy user in homes. Insulating blankets for electric water heaters are inexpensive and readily available at home improvement stores. Also, set your water heater thermostat to 120 degrees or medium.
Seal air leaks and duct work. In the South, leaky ducts waste more energy than any other single item. To stop the loss, duct work should be made airtight everywhere ducts attach to vents, each other and the heating/cooling unit. Use mastic as the preferred choice to seal these locations or foil tape. Some do-it-yourselfers can handle this job. Others may want to hire a professional.
Think long term. Making your home more energy efficient is a good move for lowering bills all year round. Start with Entergy Texas’ Entergy Solutions program. A wealth of information, tips and even DIY videos are available to help homeowners improve their home’s energy efficiency.
Entergy Texas provides electric service to more than 426,000 customers in 27 counties. It is a subsidiary of Entergy Corporation. Entergy is an integrated energy company engaged primarily in electric power production and retail distribution operations. Entergy owns and operates power plants with 30,000 megawatts of electric generating capacity, including nearly approximately 10,000 megawatts of nuclear power, making it one of the nation’s leading nuclear generators. Entergy delivers electricity to 2.8 million utility customers in Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi and Texas.
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