News Release > MISO Asks Entergy Customers to Conserve Electricity
MISO Asks Entergy Customers to Conserve Electricity

Action Requested Due to Demand Potentially Exceeding Available Generation
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – Our power reliability coordinator, the Midcontinent Independent System Operator, is requesting Entergy customers voluntarily reduce their electricity usage on Thursday, Jan. 18, between 5 a.m. and 11 a.m. MISO is making this unusual request because use of electricity could exceed available generation, due to higher than expected demand for power and unexpected power generator outages within the MISO southern territory. MISO is working to bring on additional generation in the area.
The higher than expected demand is due to the unusually cold temperatures that moved into the territory over the past few days.
MISO is making similar requests to utilities across the Midwest, including other utilities near our service area. If the power supply cannot meet the demand, then periodic power outages would be needed.
“We apologize for any inconvenience.” said Melanie Taylor, vice president of customer service for Entergy Arkansas, Inc. “The arctic blast is driving up electricity usage. This is an unusual situation MISO is working to correct as soon as possible.” Taylor added that the request does not apply to elderly customers or those with special health concerns.
Entergy joined MISO, one of the nation's largest regional transmission organizations, in December, 2013. MISO comprises a pool of electricity generators and users that stretches from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico.
To balance the power demand with supply, Entergy has special agreements with some industrial and wholesale customers that allow for power curtailments. Some ways residential customers can reduce electricity usage include:
- Lower the thermostat to 68 degrees or lower.
- Delay laundry, washing dishes, bathing, etc., until later in the day.
- Don’t allow warm air to escape from the home. Check caulking around doors and windows and fill holes and gaps where wiring and pipes enter the house.
Entergy Arkansas provides electricity to approximately 700,000 customers in 63 counties. Entergy Corporation is an integrated energy company engaged primarily in electric power production and retail distribution operations. Entergy owns and operates power plants with approximately 30,000 megawatts of electric generating capacity, including nearly 10,000 megawatts of nuclear power. Entergy delivers electricity to 2.9 million utility customers in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas. Entergy has annual revenues of approximately $10.8 billion and more than 13,000 employees.