News Release > Move to MISO Delivering Benefits
Move to MISO Delivering Benefits

Entergy Texas Customers Save Estimated $52 Million Over Three Years
THE WOODLANDS, Texas – Customers are enjoying savings thanks to Entergy Texas, Inc.’s membership in MISO, a regional transmission organization.
Customers have saved approximately $52 million in the last three years since Entergy Texas joined MISO, formally known as the Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc.
MISO manages power across the transmission grid, facilitates the planning of new transmission facilities and operates markets for the purchase and sale of wholesale energy and other products. Its market footprint stretches from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico.
The estimated $52 million in cost reductions realized between 2014 and 2016 is largely attributable to two factors: (1) the more efficient dispatch of power plants on the transmission grid, resulting in a lower delivered cost of energy; and (2) reducing the number of power plants that the company must maintain in reserve and have ready to run if needed. MISO members share generation reserves across the organization’s footprint, producing long-term benefits and savings for customers.
“Our membership in MISO has been a highly effective tool in helping us control costs and keep our rates low,” said Sallie Rainer, President and CEO of Entergy Texas. “We believe our participation in MISO will continue to produce significant savings in the years ahead, helping keep energy costs well below the national average so we can continue to help grow southeast Texas’ economy.”
While MISO membership helps control costs today, Entergy Texas is taking steps to control customer costs in the future. This includes a series of investments to ensure a reliable electric grid to power Texas’ growing economy. Entergy has embarked on a mission to modernize its transmission and distribution system, while also investing in affordable new electric generation. These investments will improve reliability and ensure access to affordable power for customers over the next 30 years.
Entergy Texas, Inc. provides electricity to more than 440,000 customers in 27 counties. Entergy Corporation is an integrated energy company engaged primarily in electric power production and retail distribution operations. Entergy owns and operates power plants with approximately 30,000 megawatts of electric generating capacity, including nearly 9,000 megawatts of nuclear power. Entergy delivers electricity to 2.9 million utility customers in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas. Entergy has annual revenues of approximately $10.8 billion and nearly 13,000 employees.
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