News Release > New substation and distribution power lines being constructed in Carlyss
New substation and distribution power lines being constructed in Carlyss

Equipment will increase electric capacity to serve residential growth
Lake Charles, La. – Entergy Louisiana is building a new substation along Carlyss Drive in Carlyss, constructing four distribution power lines and upgrading other nearby line segments to support residential growth in the area.
The transmission and distribution project will not only support new customers, but it will also benefit existing residential and business customers in Choupique and Sulphur by reducing stress on substations in those areas.
“I’ve spent a lot of time working at Entergy in this part of Calcasieu Parish and have been fortunate to see it grow over the years,” said Calvin Thibodeaux, Entergy Louisiana customer service manager. “This project is a win-win for Carlyss, Choupique, Sulphur and the surrounding areas because it will not only provide power to new customers in the area, but it will also provide more reliable power to existing customers.”
Utility crews expect to perform work through October, with the Thompson substation being completed by sometime in July, pending any unforeseen circumstances. Crews will be setting new poles in the ground and installing new wire and other electric equipment in the air as part of the effort to construct new power lines that will provide electricity from the substation to area homes and businesses. They will also be upgrading portions of existing distribution lines along Carlyss Drive and Thompson and Walker roads.
“As a commissioner and someone who calls Southwest Louisiana home, I’m always excited to see great things happening across the district I serve, and that includes new infrastructure being built to support economic growth and the demand for power,” said Commissioner Mike Francis, who represents District 4 on the Louisiana Public Service Commission. “I look forward to seeing the completion of this project and the continued growth in Calcasieu Parish.”
Maintaining and improving the electric system is an ongoing process. Entergy Louisiana’s reliability experts routinely inspect and evaluate components such as poles, power lines and transformers and use data to make strategic decisions around the replacement or enhancement of infrastructure.
To learn more about our reliability efforts, visit the Entergy Newsroom. And to learn more about how the company is developing resilient solutions for a sustainable future, visit
About Entergy Louisiana
Entergy Louisiana, LLC provides electricity to more than 1.1 million customers in 58 parishes and natural gas service to approximately 95,000 customers in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Entergy Louisiana is a subsidiary of Entergy Corporation, a Fortune 500 electric company. Entergy powers life for 3 million customers through our operating companies in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas. We’re investing in the reliability and resilience of the energy system while helping our region transition to cleaner, more efficient energy solutions. With roots in our communities for more than 100 years, Entergy is a nationally recognized leader in sustainability and corporate citizenship. Since 2018, we have delivered more than $100 million in economic benefits each year to local communities through philanthropy, volunteerism and advocacy. Entergy is headquartered in New Orleans, Louisiana, and has approximately 12,000 employees. For the latest news from Entergy, visit the Newsroom.