Storm Center > Together, we will rebuild
Together, we will rebuild

Entergy shareholders have made a $100,000 contribution to the American Red Cross to support their relief efforts in Mississippi.
Last week, I toured parts of the Entergy Mississippi service area that were devastated by the recent tornado outbreak, including Rolling Fork, Silver City and Winona. It was destruction that I have never seen in my time at Entergy or in my personal life as a Mississippian. It was an emotional day as I also met with families who have been left homeless, community leaders who are faced with the overwhelming task of rebuilding, and survivors who told heartbreaking stories of loved ones lost forever.
I was grateful to witness the effort of our heroic crews who have been working tirelessly to restore power to the community’s homes and businesses as quickly and safely as possible. One of the residents I spoke to was an Entergy employee who lost his parents in the storm and was combing through their destroyed home looking for belongings. He reminded me of the resiliency of our people, no matter the environment.
Amid the destruction, the humble strength and positive outlook of these remarkable Mississippians and their determination to remake their world lifted my spirit. To help them at the beginning of this hard road to recovery, Entergy shareholders have made a $100,000 contribution to the American Red Cross to support their relief efforts in Mississippi. In addition, Entergy employees are making personal contributions that our company will be matching. We want our customers to know our slogan -- “We Power Life” -- is about more than providing electricity. After the cameras leave and the focus moves to the next event, we are still a long-term partner to the communities we serve.
Entergy Mississippi marks its 100th anniversary this month, and we have certainly seen our share of natural disasters. But in every aftermath, we’ve also seen Mississippi share what they have with those who need it most. It’s why we’re hopeful for the Mississippi Delta’s future and prepared to serve them in more ways than one.