The New Orleans Tricentennial volunteer challenge, powered by Entergy, served as a call to action for residents and visitors to achieve 300,000 hours of service through 300 volunteer projects throughout 2018, the 300th anniversary of New Orleans.
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How a READI audit helped one customer save money and start new energy-efficient habits.
Diane Franczyk is one of 25,000 Mississippi homeowners to have energy-saving items installed through the Entergy Mississippi Residential Audit and Direct Install Program. She received 14 LED bulbs, an LED night light, an advanced power strip and had her refrigerator coil cleaned at no additional cost.
Technology is driving not just Entergy, but the entire energy industry. It's the ‘what’s next’ for all of us.
Entergy partners with community groups to ensure sustainability of Mardi Gras.
The sought-after throws! The big beads! New cups for the cabinets! That can mean only one thing… Carnival time is here!
Chris Smith came to Entergy through little league baseball. His coach worked at the company and later hired Chris as a groundman. That was 34 years ago. Since then, Chris has worked his way through the ranks as a lineworker to his current role as a senior training specialist at our Knowledge and Skills Training center in Clinton, Mississippi.
It takes courage – and curiosity – to venture down a completely new career path. That may explain why some of our engineers are flourishing in non-engineering positions. Their analytical, solution-oriented skills are helping them design their own success. During National Engineers Week, we salute them for conquering new professional territories.
Soon, the fragrant smell of magnolia blossoms and other spring flowers will be in the air. While that’s something we look forward to here in the Bayou State, it also comes with the potential for severe weather.
What would you do with an extra $2,500? Hint: Most of our low-income customers won’t be taking fancy vacations.