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Insights > Tips and tools
5 signs that you need a new heating system

Space heating accounts for more than 45% of a typical home's annual energy use, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. Upgrading to a new unit can help you save energy and money.

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Small changes like weather stripping, changing air filters can add up and save energy costs
Insights > Tips and tools, People power
Small behavior changes, minor home improvements can impact energy usage

Entergy Arkansas often reminds customers to adjust their thermostat to have the greatest impact on their electricity usage to save dollars on their monthly bills, but home improvements can also affect how efficiently your home heating, ventilation and air conditioner system works.

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Insights > Giving back
Prices are going up, so Entergy Mississippi is stepping up

Entergy Mississippi is providing between $150 to $1,000 in direct bill payment help to Mississippi families who need help paying their power bills.

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Insights > Our future
Hydrogen energy & Southeast Texas: Why here, why now?

Southeast Texas is well positioned to play a key role in the growing low-to-zero carbon hydrogen industry, as we are in the heart of hydrogen producers, extensive hydrogen pipeline delivery infrastructure, hydrogen storage capability and industrial customers.

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Insights > Our future
Energía de Hidrógeno y el Sureste de Texas: ¿Por qué aquí y por qué ahora?

El Sureste de Texas está bien posicionado para desempeñar un papel clave en la creciente industria del hidrógeno

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Insights > Tips and tools
Going electric: 3 benefits for your home

You have options when it comes to fueling your home. Electricity, however, provides a number of advantages that can benefit you, your family and the planet.

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Insights > Tips and tools
Near record-breaking temps lead to increased energy use and high bills

There are simple steps customers can take to make sure their home is using energy efficiently

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Insights > Tips and tools
Stay comfortable this summer with a smart thermostat

With smart thermostats, you can save energy and maintain your home’s comfort no matter where you are.

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Insights > Tips and tools
Keep your cool as summer heats up

Avoid the heat of higher bills with simple energy-saving solutions.

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