Going electric at home is good for the world, but going electric when you travel is even better.
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Entergy Mississippi’s contributions to achieving Entergy’s overall sustainability goals have been vital. Over the past two decades, Entergy Mississippi has significantly reduced carbon emissions through fleet modernization; and since 1985, Grand Gulf Nuclear Station has added safe, carbon-free energy to the grid while affordably generating around 20% of Mississippi’s electricity.
The number of electric vehicles on U.S. roads could reach 26.4 million in 2030, according to the Edison Electric Institute. This explosive growth is prompting dramatic changes in the fundamental way in which we operate.
Home energy upgrades are a great way to save money and reduce your environmental footprint, but the initial cost can be expensive. Fortunately, there are a variety of federal tax incentives here to help.
Through our ongoing vegetation management efforts, we recently committed $1.9 million in in-kind contributions over five years to the Regional Conservation Partnership Program, which funds projects that improve wildlife habitats and foster biodiversity.
Nearly 70% of Entergy Arkansas power comes from clean energy sources
In more recent years, the company’s investments in modern combined-cycle turbine technology have provided greater flexibility in meeting our customers’ energy needs using the most economical generation sources available.
Entergy Arkansas customers who want to go green now have an easy way to do so.
The Arbor Day Foundation has recognized Entergy as a 2023 Tree Line USA utility for its commitment to urban forestry in its communities.