In honor of Power Plant Worker Appreciation Day at Entergy Nuclear, meet Victoria “Tori” Stroburg, a mechanical maintenance supervisor at Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station.
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Entergy volunteers helped pack over 200,000 meals for Louisiana food banks.
Some heroes wear capes. Some wear work gloves and safety glasses. Most just want to do a good deed for those in need, often because someone else once extended them a helping hand. David Rose, an analyst in Entergy Mississippi’s economic development department, will tell you he’s no hero. Erica Jackson, a senior project manager at Entergy, may beg to differ.
Brian Lanka, currently director of engineering at Waterford 3, has accepted the chief engineering director position for the Entergy fleet. In this role he will be responsible for leading multiple fleet-wide engineering initiatives. Crystal Garbe, currently plant support engineering manager, has been named director of engineering at Waterford 3.
Lafont is a member of several industrial and community organizations.
Entergy Louisiana employee takes pride in giving back to her community.
The Patriot Award, presented through the Office of the Secretary of Defense under the ESGR, recognizes patriotic employers for their support of America's National Guard and Reserves. Any active military member can nominate their workplace supervisors for the award.
Three Entergy Louisiana linemen took action to help a state trooper who was in a roadside struggle with a suspect.
On a warm June morning, Alton Warr's kindness showed that Entergy employees and customers are all on the same team.
Partnership with Rebuilding Together Baton Rouge helps flood victims restore homes and lives.