Latest Insights

Insights > Tips and tools, Our future
Five ways Entergy is working to make your power bill one less thing to worry about

Like most things these days, the material costs related to generating and delivering your power have gone up recently. While our customer rates are still below the U.S. average, Entergy Mississippi is taking real action to keep this and other inflationary business cost increases from making your power bill unaffordable.

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Insights > People power
Premier Performance: Team Effort Transforms Winona Sawmill Project into Mississippi Success Story

When Michigan-based Biewer Lumber announced plans in January 2021 to build a sawmill in Winona, it was a cause for celebration for Montgomery County residents—and a call to action for Entergy Mississippi.

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Insights > Our future, People power, Giving back, Storms
2021: A Year in Review

As the year draws to a close, our thoughts turn to all things merry and bright as we remember the past and look forward to a new year filled with hope and promise.

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Insights > People power
Mississippi Plays to Win…and We’re Not Just Talking Baseball!

State receives Silver Shovel award for 2020’s economic development successes

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Insights > People power
Mississippi Goes for the Gold…and Wins!!

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Insights > Our future
Entergy Named as National Leader in Economic Development

For the 11th consecutive year, Site Selection magazine has named Entergy as one of the nation’s Top 10 utilities in economic development.

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Insights > Tips and tools
Entergy Mississippi Property Search Tool: Information at Your Fingertips Any Time, Anywhere

Site selection is one of the most critical decisions a business can make, and Entergy Mississippi’s free commercial and industrial property database offers a high-powered, intuitive site selection tool to help businesses search and find sites.

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