Restoration is complete and electrical power has been restored to all customers affected by that storm who can safely receive power.
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Entergy Mississippi crews, contractors and tree trimmers are working diligently to complete power restoration following the recent severe weather system that caused significant damage in our service area.
Entergy Mississippi crews, contractors, tree trimmers and scouts are working diligently to restore power following the recent severe weather system that caused significant damage in our service area.
Damage assessment is also underway and we anticipate this to be a multi-day restoration event, particularly in the more severely impacted areas. Currently, damage assessment is 82% complete and has identified damages to 157 poles, 17 transformers, 115 cross arms, and more than 13 miles of downed wire.
A round of thunderstorms with high winds, lightning, and a reported tornado moved through the Entergy Mississippi service territory last night and this morning resulting in customer outages. As of 10:30 a.m., approximately 6,400 customers are without power.
In partnership with the National Energy and Utility Affordability Coalition, or NEAUC, Entergy joined industry partners, policymakers, and advocates in Washington, D.C., on March 3, for LIHEAP Action Day.
Entergy Mississippi is here to help you go green and save big with incentives for replacing old appliances with new ENERGY STAR® certified products.
“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” is an often-quoted Chinese proverb credited to philosopher Lao Tzu. For Entergy Mississippi team member Quintaurus Wright, it is more than just a quote. He is living proof that small steps can lead to incredible results.
Restoration is complete and electrical power has been restored to all customers affected by that storm who can safely receive power.