For nearly 40 years, Entergy’s Grand Gulf Nuclear Station in Port Gibson has generated safe, clean, carbon-free, affordable energy that supplies almost a fifth of Mississippi’s electricity while serving as one of the largest non-carbon-emitting power plants in the world.
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Entergy Mississippi is recognized as a leader for initiatives that help families and communities.
While Entergy Mississippi focused on getting 300,000 customers back online, it also helped employees displaced by floods and devastation in New Orleans and neighboring areas, many of whom relocated to Jackson and were able to work in temporary offices.
Until the mid-20th century, electricity was mainly used for lighting. But that began to change as the means of producing, distributing and consuming electricity grew more efficient. With new electric appliances on the market, electricity became a direct competitor with natural gas, which had cornered the energy market for heating.
Years before Entergy’s low-income focus became a corporate priority, company leaders and employees in Mississippi had established a legacy of community service and customer support.
Economic development in Mississippi began to increase during the mid-20th century, as decades of efforts like Mississippi Power & Light’s “Helping Build Mississippi” program led to new investment in the state.
In more recent years, the company’s investments in modern combined-cycle turbine technology have provided greater flexibility in meeting our customers’ energy needs using the most economical generation sources available.
By mid-2020, Entergy had dedicated almost $3 million to COVID-19 relief efforts in its four-state service area and The Power to Care, which helps low-income customers pay utility bills.
Working alongside government and development partners, Entergy Mississippi played an integral role in making Nissan Canton a success.