Program identifies, addresses under-performing devices
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Entergy has donated more than 460 refurbished laptops this summer to school districts in our service territory so students have the technology they need when they return to school this fall.
During the winter storm in February, Entergy employee Matt Courtney of Clinton received a call from an elderly neighbor whose power was out. She had been running a space heater with a portable generator and needed help connecting it to her refrigerator to keep her food from spoiling.
State receives Silver Shovel award for 2020’s economic development successes
The company’s utility business puts service to its 3 million customers at the top of its priority list. In the process, Entergy’s five operating companies are helping to build a region.
Electricity is a safe and reliable form of energy. However, it can be dangerous if not treated properly. The following is a checklist of items that you can use throughout your home to help protect your family.
Entergy Mississippi has restored service to more than 79,000 customers who lost power during the recent tornadoes and severe storms impacting our service territory Tuesday, May 4.