Electric vehicles (EVs) are revolutionizing transportation by reducing emissions, improving fuel efficiency, and lowering operational costs. Even when powered by electricity from fossil fuel-dominated grids, EVs produce significantly less pollution than gas-powered vehicles.
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The holidays in New Orleans are truly magical—String lights shimmer in the oaks, homes glow with festive decor and the scent of warm gumbo fills the air. However, keeping the lights on and the house cozy can quickly add up in energy costs.
Entergy New Orleans is committed to providing our customers with reliable, safe, and consistent service, even during challenging times. With the recent approval of our Accelerated Resilience Plan, we are taking a big step towards hardening the electric grid and upgrading the city’s infrastructure to ensure lights stay on longer and power can be restored faster.
Energy Smart, Entergy New Orleans’ energy efficiency program, is helping businesses save money while meeting energy efficiency goals. The Energy Smart Fund has $4 million remaining in 2024 for businesses in Orleans Parish.
Every year, Entergy New Orleans celebrates Black Energy Awareness Month (B.E.A.M.) by honoring the invaluable contributions of minorities to the energy industry and highlighting the critical role energy plays in daily life.
As part of Entergy New Orleans’ commitment to strengthening reliability and our relationship with our community, we recently conducted comprehensive walk-downs in each New Orleans council district. Led by teams of customer service managers, line workers, and representatives from the Energy Smart program, the walk-downs proactively addressed infrastructure needs across our service area.
The third year of Christmas in July wrapped up this fall, with totals topping organizers’ expectations. This year, the charitable campaign extended beyond Entergy nuclear to include all of the company.
Entergy New Orleans hosted its annual golf tournament at English Turn Golf & Country Club, raising approximately $150,000 for Entergy’s The Power to Care program, which is administered by the New Orleans Council on Aging. Entergy New Orleans employees, community members and corporate partners formed 41 teams to compete in an 18-hole scramble.
These gadgets can really keep a party going.