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Insights > Storms
Entergy Louisiana has taken Specific Steps to Prepare for this Storm

Entergy Louisiana is completing preparations for the potential impact from Tropical Storm Gordon, which is expected to make landfall Tuesday night along the Mississippi coast.

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Insights > Storms
Entergy has taken Specific Steps to Prepare for this Storm

Preparation for potential severe weather is vital for us and you, our highly valued customers.

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Insights > Storms
Entergy Continues Preparations as Tropical Storm Gordon Strengthens

Entergy continues to monitor Tropical Storm Gordon and prepare for its potential impact to Louisiana. The 4 p.m. National Weather Service forecast expects Gordon to develop into a hurricane before making landfall Tuesday night along the central Gulf Coast.

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Insights > Storms
Entergy Mississippi is Monitoring and Prepared for Tropical Storm Gordon

Entergy Mississippi is closely monitoring Tropical Storm Gordon for potential impacts to customers.

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Insights > Storms
It Only Takes One…10th Anniversary of Hurricane Gustav a reminder to always be prepared

Do you remember what you were doing on Labor Day 10 years ago? If you’re an Entergy Mississippi customer chances are you do.

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Insights > Storms
Make a Plan with Entergy for National Preparedness Month

September is National Preparedness Month and Entergy is joining in preparing our communities.

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Insights > Tips and tools, Storms
Operation: Storm Ready

Entergy plans restoration efforts months before the first sign of foul weather.

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Insights > Tips and tools, Storms
Don’t Let Hurricane Season Catch You Off Guard

Series of meetings raises awareness of storm preparation and how to stay safe during weather events.

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