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Insights > Storms
Crews Scouting Damages and Restoring Power Following Easter Sunday Storms

Crews are performing damage assessments and restoring power where it is safe to do so, including in hard hit north Louisiana, after waves of violent thunderstorms crossed the state on Easter Sunday.

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Downed power lines in Texas.
Downed power lines in Texas.
Insights > Storms
Restoration Update

At 12:15 p.m., we had 28,000 customers out of power due to the storms, with the majority in Louisiana. Outages could continue across our territory today into tonight as the storms move to the east.

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Insights > Storms
Entergy Mississippi Ready to Respond to Storm-Related Outages

As the company prepares, Mississippians should, too

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Insights > Storms
Morning Restoration Update – Saturday, April 11, 2020

Entergy Texas has restored power to 30,000 customers since the peak of the storm.

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Insights > Storms
We are preparing to respond to severe weather predicted to strike this weekend

As part of our preparations, we are incorporating needed precautions related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Insights > Storms
Evening Restoration Update – Friday, April 10, 2020

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Insights > Storms
Noon Restoration Update - Friday, April 10, 2020

An additional 200 contract line workers and 50 vegetation workers were brought in to assist with the restoration effort.

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Insights > Storms
Morning Restoration Update – Friday, April 10, 2020

View an update on our restoration efforts.

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Insights > Storms
Restoration Update - Thursday, April 9, 2020

Severe thunderstorms and high winds are moving through the Entergy Texas territory Thursday evening, April 9th, causing wide spread outages.

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