Latest Insights

Pictured on the Bolivar Peninsula: On the left, wooden poles impacted by Hurricane Beryl, while the composite poles on the right remain unaffected.
Pictured on the Bolivar Peninsula: On the left, wooden poles impacted by Hurricane Beryl, while the composite poles on the right remain unaffected.
Insights > Our future, Storms
Strengthening the grid: Composite poles showcase the importance of resiliency investments

Advanced composite poles withstand hurricane-level weather conditions, providing reliable power and a stronger energy future for Southeast Texas.

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Insights > Our future
40 en 4: El reto energético del Sureste de Texas... y la solución

El Sureste de Texas está en una posición inmejorable para crear miles de nuevos y mejores puestos de trabajo e impulsar el desarrollo económico, pero nuestro éxito depende en gran medida de que haya energía suficiente.

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Insights > Our future
40 in 4: The Southeast Texas energy challenge... and the solution

Southeast Texas is in a great position to create thousands of new and better jobs and boost economic development, but our success relies heavily on sufficient power.

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Insights > Our future
Entergy Texas’ power grid: What is it and why should I care?

Our everyday lives rely heavily on electricity, but have you ever wondered where that power comes from? It all starts with the power grid.

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Insights > People power, Storms
El trabajo duro hace que no tener noticias sea una buena noticia

Los clientes de Entergy Texas vieron temperaturas frías récord, fuertes vientos y precipitaciones invernales. Lo que los clientes de Entergy Texas no vieron fue la necesidad de apagones temporales o la necesidad de que los clientes conservaran la energía.

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Insights > People power, Storms
Hard work makes no news good news

Entergy Texas customers saw record cold temperatures, heavy winds and winter precipitation. What Entergy Texas customers didn’t see was the need for temporary, rolling outages or the ask for customers to conserve energy.

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Insights > Our future
Bolivar Peninsula Reliability Project: Foundation work begins for new substations

A $110 million reliability project designed to meet the growing electrical demand and improve service on the Bolivar Peninsula will soon move to the next phase of construction.

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Insights > People power
Conroe project improves reliability, strengthens infrastructure

Our crews continue to make steady progress on this important project.

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Insights > Tips and tools
Entergy Texas prepared for winter weather, shares ways for customers to prepare

Learn more about the work the company completed to protect its power plants and prepare for winter.

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