Increasing energy usage during record-breaking temperatures can lead to higher bills – burning up summer funds. Entergy Mississippi is sharing tips to help customers sunblock their utility budgets during the summer heat!
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Increasing energy usage during hot summer temperatures can lead to higher bills – burning up summer funds. Entergy Arkansas is sharing tips to help customers sunblock their utility budgets during the summer heat!
Energy-efficiency tips will help keep you warm while chilling your bill
Give-away is part of company’s $3.2-million effort to help with high bills
Home energy costs soar across U.S., near 10-year highs
Entergy New Orleans reminds customers of available bill assistance as disconnects resume
The company is returning security deposits to eligible customers sooner than the usual twelve-month waiting period.
One-time bill credits, charitable contributions and weatherization efforts are just a few of the offerings provided to help ease the strain of higher bills caused by record temperatures this summer.
The $1.3M contribution will provide one-time $150 bill credits to qualifying customers.