Storm Center updates
Insights > Storms
Entergy grid remains resilient through historic cold weather peak usage

Customers used more electricity during the January winter storm than ever before in cold-weather

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News > Storms
Entergy Louisiana and Entergy New Orleans: Winter weather response and system performance

In the wake of historic winter weather conditions in Louisiana, Entergy Louisiana and Entergy New Orleans are proud to share the results of extensive preparation and response efforts during the event.

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News > Storms
Entergy Louisiana and Entergy New Orleans update on winter weather preparations

Entergy Louisiana and Entergy New Orleans remain dedicated to ensuring the safety of customers and restoring power as quickly and safely as possible.

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News > Storms
Entergy's Louisiana utilities prepare for potential hard freeze, winter precipitation

Entergy Louisiana and Entergy New Orleans continue to actively monitor the frigid temperatures and winter precipitation expected to move through the region early next week.

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News > Storms
Entergy’s storm team restores power to virtually all customers following Hurricane Francine

Entergy’s Louisiana storm team has restored power to virtually all customers who can safely receive electric service after the impact of Hurricane Francine.

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Insights > Storms
Entergy Louisiana Hurricane Francine update – 9/15/24, 11 a.m.

At this time, fewer than 15,000 customers in southeast Louisiana remain without power after Hurricane Francine brought strong winds and heavy rain to the state.

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Drew Angelloz, Entergy operations coordinator, and Timothy Santos, Entergy distribution dispatch supervisor, and Felton Coleman, Entergy Louisiana distribution control center manager, are pictured in the switch room at the Louisiana Distribution Operations Center in Baton Rouge.
Drew Angelloz, Entergy operations coordinator, and Timothy Santos, Entergy distribution dispatch supervisor, and Felton Coleman, Entergy Louisiana distribution control center manager, are pictured in the switch room at the Louisiana Distribution Operations Center in Baton Rouge.
Insights > Storms
Behind the scenes: Hidden heroes supporting Entergy’s storm restoration efforts

Entergy's Louisiana storm team is made up of not only field workers but also many employees and contractors working behind the scenes at command centers across the state, including the Distribution Operations Center in Baton Rouge. These often unseen team members play a crucial role in ensuring that restoration efforts run smoothly and that lineworkers can operate safely.

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Insights > Storms
Entergy Louisiana Hurricane Francine update – 9/14/24, 5 p.m.

Entergy expects to restore power to 95% of all customers in Louisiana who lost electric service following Hurricane Francine and can safely receive it by this evening.

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