The Gulf South, particularly communities within Louisiana, is home to the largest industrial economy in the United States. The energy needs of this group of customers is unique and energy demands are growing, including new industry coming to Louisiana.
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State and local officials joined Arkansas business leaders Tuesday to break ground on the state’s largest-ever economic investment project with U. S. Steel near Osceola, Ark.
As the year draws to a close, our thoughts turn to all things merry and bright as we remember the past and look forward to a new year filled with hope and promise.
Despite the challenges 2020 presented, Entergy continued to play an integral role for the Gulf Coast region by helping secure $12.9 billion of capital investment and supporting the creation of more than 7,572 new jobs for Entergy’s communities.
Entergy’s utility operating companies provide electricity at some of the lowest rates in the country to retail customers in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas.
Successful economic development is usually the result of getting many small things done to clear the way for the bigger things to happen. That was the thinking behind the Community Catalyst program.
State receives Silver Shovel award for 2020’s economic development successes
The company’s utility business puts service to its 3 million customers at the top of its priority list. In the process, Entergy’s five operating companies are helping to build a region.
The company's supply chain organization is committed to securing effective partnerships, managing risk and ensuring that suppliers share our vision of a bright future.