As health care professionals continue to learn about COVID-19 and the promise of new vaccines, companies like Entergy continue to manage the countless uncertainties of operating during a pandemic. Every day, employees rise to the challenge and overcome obstacles in order to keep the lights on and the gas flowing for customers.
Latest Insights
In addition to providing essential electric and gas service, Entergy has played a key role in driving economic recovery amid a pandemic in 2020.
Site Selection magazine has named Entergy as one of the nation’s Top 10 electric utilities in economic development for the 13th consecutive year.
Is your business looking for its love connection this Valentine’s Day? If your company is on the prowl for expansion and growth, the Entergy region might be your perfect match.
Entergy Louisiana provided a $185,000 grant to the Baton Rouge Area Chamber as part of the company’s efforts to support regional economic development across the state.
How insights shared and connections made at the 2017 Conference inspired Entergy Career Pathways Program
In today's installment of 'five questions,' we sit down with Steve Pilgrim, director of business and economic development, to discuss why cities within our service area are good places to operate a business