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By learning to recognize the signs of heat-related illnesses and taking steps to prevent them, you can keep your employees safe, comfortable and productive.
In a home, the best conductors are the electrical wiring and plumbing.
“You should not shower during a thunderstorm.” You’ve probably heard this old wives’ tale at one point or another. It may sound silly that you’d need to skip a shower or bath if there’s thunder or lightning, but as it turns out, this old tale rings true.
Program identifies, addresses under-performing devices
During the winter storm in February, Entergy employee Matt Courtney of Clinton received a call from an elderly neighbor whose power was out. She had been running a space heater with a portable generator and needed help connecting it to her refrigerator to keep her food from spoiling.
It's always best to assume all downed lines are energized.
Electricity is a safe and reliable form of energy. However, it can be dangerous if not treated properly. The following is a checklist of items that you can use throughout your home to help protect your family.
As health care professionals continue to learn about COVID-19 and the promise of new vaccines, companies like Entergy continue to manage the countless uncertainties of operating during a pandemic. Every day, employees rise to the challenge and overcome obstacles in order to keep the lights on and the gas flowing for customers.