Entergy reminds you to get started on your fall home maintenance and to take additional safety measures in and around your home. Please take a moment to review these common seasonal risks and how you can prevent accidents before they happen.
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Entergy Arkansas linemen got an influx of new blood this week with the graduation of 11 apprentice linemen from the Summer 2020 Linemen’s Boot Camp.
Gene Woolsey, senior lineman, thought he had worked through every type of power emergency possible in his 39 years at Entergy Mississippi. He’s restored power outages caused by hurricanes, tornadoes, thunderstorms, ice storms, extreme temperatures, flooding, lightning, fires, animals and cars. A pandemic is not one of the situations he expected to include on that list. Yet, throughout COVID-19, he is among those on the front lines keeping power flowing.
In June, the National Safety Council celebrated National Safety Month by publishing materials on various topics focusing on saving lives and preventing injuries, from the workplace to anyplace. This year, the NCS has focused its efforts on relevant topics for keeping workers safe in the new normal.
Josh Vance has been familiar with Entergy all his life. He remembers the company’s strong community presence in his hometown of Brookhaven, Mississippi. More than a decade ago, Josh joined the company as an engineering co-op student. Since then he has held several engineering roles and served as a line supervisor. Today, Josh is Entergy Mississippi’s construction manager, based in Jackson.
El distanciamiento social de seis pies es solo una de las razones para mantener una distancia segura de las tripulaciones. Los sitios de trabajo pueden tener cualquier cantidad de peligros ocultos para el público, y las tripulaciones que distraen pueden causar accidentes.
Happy holidays! Let’s keep them that way by following a few important safety tips.
Halloween is quickly approaching, and while everyone is planning on having a good time – it’s important to stay safe while doing so. If you’re planning to pull out the Halloween decorations and jack-o-lanterns or go trick-or-treating in costume, follow these safety tips.
Robert White helps revive unresponsive toddler until ambulance arrives.