Entergy awards more than $7.9 million in charitable contributions for first half of 2022
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For the seventh consecutive year, Entergy has been named one of the top 50 most-community minded companies in the country.
This fall, 33 high school graduates will attend college or vocational-technical schools with some help from the Entergy Community Power Scholarship.
Letter to the editor written by Patty Riddlebarger, Entergy vice president of corporate social responsibility and Charmaine Caccioppi, United Way of Southeast Louisiana executive vice president & COO, originally published May 5, 2022 in The Advocate Baton Rouge edition.
Entergy's Louisiana utilities rose to the occasion after a tornado devastated parts of Orleans and St. Bernard parishes.
Entergy highlights six employees across the company for National Volunteer Month
Supporting efforts to close gender gaps in science, technology, engineering and math careers.
Entergy sponsored the Louisiana Policy Institute’s Early Education Month in February to continue our ongoing commitment to increase access to high-quality care and early education for all children.
Grants provided funding and support for broad-based initiatives ranging from disaster relief, education, workforce development, poverty solutions, the arts and community improvements in regions served by Entergy in Arkansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, New York and Texas.