The company filed a rate proposal with the Public Utility Commission of Texas to ensure it can provide reliable, affordable and sustainable electricity to customers now and in the future.
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La compañía ofrece consejos de preparación y seguridad para ayudar a los clientes a estar preparados para las tormentas.
Volunteers will help qualifying customers claim their Earned Income Tax Credits.
Grants will go to local nonprofits that provide help to Southeast Texas.
Volunteers provide free tax preparation for qualifying customers.
Company Builds on Powerful Partnerships with Local Response Organizations to Help Customers Impacted by Tropical Storm Imelda
Electricity is a vital commodity, especially during these hot summer months, and Entergy is always working to improve service to our customers. One of the areas of several areas of focus right now is the City of Shenandoah.
Fan distribution program helps low-income customers stay cool and lower energy costs during summer months.
In the aftermath of Harvey’s devastation, Montgomery County and surrounding areas showed the resilience to overcome. Neighbors, families and businesses stood together and rebuilt, stronger than ever. A year later, that rebuilding continues. Entergy Texas directed $100,000 in Hurricane Harvey relief funds to Montgomery and Liberty Counties.