Entergy Texas, Inc. is responding to damage from numerous storms, including a reported tornado around 11 a.m. in the Franklin area of Robertson County that has knocked out a major transmission line and brought down numerous electrical lines.
Soon, the fragrant smell of magnolia blossoms and other spring flowers will be in the air. While that’s something we look forward to here in the Bayou State, it also comes with the potential for severe weather.
Entergy Corporation has received its 30th Emergency Response Award from the Edison Electric Institute for its exceptional assistance in restoring power to citizens following Hurricane Florence in September 2018.
We continuously learn and improve from storm experiences. We know the damage major storms have caused in recent years and are ready to take appropriate action before, during and after severe weather.
We expect the majority of customers will be restored today. Restoration for some will be tomorrow, due to winter storm conditions affecting our workers’ ability to safely travel to outage locations.
Significant weather events continue to threaten the Entergy service territory into Sunday.